What happens after death?
We have never truly left that spiritual sphere. We are still there. When we die we begin what we experience as a journey back to that place. But essentially, it is a process of becoming conscious of who we really are: an awakening from the dream of earthly life.

Is metaphysics really changing?
Is metaphysics really changing? The greetings that I have given for years says that I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Even that Dear Ones, may be changing. Here is a premise, an idea that I wish to give you in the four lessons or channels that are the messages of this month, this being number one.

In this time things are different
Planting the seeds of the Christ Energy was a combined effort, not confined to one single human being. It was the birth of something new and it was borne by many. Jeshua was the most visible personification of it, but there were many around him who helped him bear it.

Is Armageddon coming?
Is Armageddon coming? Did the word startle you? Are you interested? The answer I will give you that we will now discuss is no because you’re in it now. It has already arrived. And what I’ve told you – it’s the beginning of everything.

Arcturian message
Moving beyond the past is like cleaning out a cluttered attic. As each box is opened, the emotions and experiences that accompany its contents begin to manifest. Do not resist the emotions of love, hate, regret, sadness, joy, depression, or even revulsion that may surface but rather allow them expression in the realization the experiences associated with these memories helped you evolve to where you are today.

The Wind of Birth
Have you ever heard me give you a message and in that message were the words “The Wind of Birth?” If you could understand the processes that went into that Wind of Birth, suddenly you might change your mind about who you are, or why you’re on the planet, or who it is that planned the incarnation you’re in, or indeed how it happened at all.

A reflection on the male energy
When the little boy is not allowed to play, he does not play with the little girl, either. The result is emotional poverty. There is an unbalanced male energy that is alienated from the female. Men have deep within themselves a lost girl that feels altogether neglected. And this is what those in power want, a man who is perfectly obedient and unfeeling, a robot. In this way, a man becomes dehumanized.

Self-suppression in Women
When a woman stands in her true power, she naturally connects Heaven and Earth, she is a channel for the energy of the heart, and she carries this power in a conscious way, while keeping an eye on her own boundaries. She breaks barriers and taboos in the social world, because a woman who lets her soul move is both earthly and heavenly; is free in her self-expression and penetrates masks and power structures.

Is it possible that human beings really have guides?
Oh, this is such a big question. First of all, it is almost unanswerable. And the reason it is unanswerable is because you are in one dimension asking about another. And in that other dimension, that question can’t really be asked. It would be like saying: Is there some water around the ocean? And if so, how many waters are there? Let’s begin at the beginning.

Is it possible to have your soul stuck?
For some of you, it’s an odd concept. For many of you, it’s the one you learned. I want you to relax for a moment where I tell you another story perhaps. I mean a story about a magnificent soul. Not a soul that is inclined to have a three-dimensional attributes in a paradigm; a soul that is not punished or rewarded; a soul that doesn’t get stuck in some place between heaven and hell.

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