Matt Kahn

Vibrational co-dependency
As an energetically-sensitive empath, I spent the majority of my childhood confusing my personal feelings with the experiences of others. It was common for me to believe I wasn’t liked or “good enough”, since the emotional discord I sensed in others was interpreted as their opinion of me.

Are you willing?
No matter how many questions you may have for Source to answer, what if the satisfaction you seek will only be so deeply felt when you begin considering and answering the questions the Universe may ask of you...

Thinking is a ‘for your consideration only’ process
To help you reclaim your power from any belief that thoughts negatively affect your life, please consider the following tips.

Are You in Relationship with the Person or Their Potential?
If someone hasn’t developed the safety to be self-aware, what makes you think they are ready to explore a journey of intimacy, whether as friends, family, or lovers?