Some comments from participants

❥ “I just listened to the channeling and I’m absolutely filled with gratitude for the rich content, your voice which penetrates my being, and for always moving me off the mark to a higher place where I can further understand my path. This is the only news of the world I crave and yearn for. Thank you for feeding me what elevates me further to awakening down here. With love and appreciation.”

❥ “Just wonderful..  Thank you for the meditation, channeling and encouragement.  I cried tears of joy and love through it all; especially when I saw all of us sitting around the campfire. I saw and connected to all of our energetic bodies and felt all of our beautiful light and our varied journeys.  You are my dear, admired soul family.  Even 12 hours prior, I felt the connection building and heart connection and cried tears of joy. In Love and Light.”


 “Sooooooo striking! thanks for this wonderful channeling!”


 “From my heart I would like to sincerely thank you for this wonderful initiative. I have experienced all three shots as very beautiful, clear and powerful. It's always like someone inside of me shouts: "Yes, finally someone who speaks my language !!" And that makes sense of course :-)”

❥ “So beautiful... for the first time I feel really what it is to be a lightworker... wow I am so happy to be! Thank you so much for your voices, love and peace and de warmth of your hearts and all the words you say to us, with love.”

❥ “Just wonderful.. Thank you for the meditation, channeling and encouragement. I cried tears of joy and love through it all; especially when I saw all of us sitting around the campfire. I saw and connected to all of our energetic bodies and felt all of our beautiful light and our varied journeys.  You are my dear, admired soul family.  Even 12 hours prior, I felt the connection building and heart connection and cried tears of joy. In Love and Light.”

 “Thank you Gerrit and Pamela for the meditation and channeling. I felt the heart connection very strong in the message and to Gaia and everything. I cried tears of joy and recognition as I connected with with our soul tribe of lightworkers in listening to this.”

 “I enjoyed the channelings. The recognition, and remembering and deeper anchoring. Very nice and moving to receive and to hear and experience the sounds of my inner sounding board.”

❥ “Hello Pamela and friends: I did get to hear your program and found it to be very enlightening, insightful, and helpful! This has given me much to think about. Many thanks for making this available.”

 “Thank you so much….! Your channelings have been grounding me and supporting me since I found the blog in 2012. This is the first time I have been able to participate in one of your workshops. I really enjoyed it and I received great value out of it. I will most certainly repeat it. Blessings and love from Argentina.”

❥ “Dear Gerrit and Pamela, Your messages touched on so many 'owies' I have found so taxing. The holdover of being an "authority" from the Atlantis age, the triggers I feel when someone refers to what I'm saying as "woo woo," my abhorrence of war, protests, aggression in the streets and planes all over the world, so many things you touched on were given a loving truthful explanation.”

 “Dear Jeshua, dear Pamela, dear Gerrit, Thank you for this wonderful message. I feel the truth in it and the connection between all of us. Lots of love.”

❥ “Thank you so much to Pamela and to Gerrit for the recordings, it was such a powerfull transmission and at the perfect timing.”

 “Thank you so much!! I felt deeply touched in my heart and cried a lot… There was again so much confirmation in your messages of what happens in my life. I’ve read your monthly channelllings since years and I am always so astonished how they fit exactly into my life! Thank you so so much – lots of love from Switzerland!”


❥ “Thank you!  The channeling and the group connection was highly helpful and needed.  Sending much gratitude! Peace and love.”

 “Thank you a lot Pamela and Gerrit, it was beautiful. This is also very supportive and encouraging for all of us. Thank you from the heart (du fond du coeur, desde el corazon)!”


❥ “Dearly beloved, my wife and I listened to the channeling and we could highly connect to Jeshua's message. We both learned to understand why we made certain choices because of our past lives in Atlantis and other ones. My wife had a very challenging day, thinking everything including herself was meaningless. She taught that she had to accept the fact that she and her life were meaningless. After listening to the channeling she really felt Jeshua had given her a very clear answer to all of her feelings and she's very grateful for it. I myself could quite easily connect to the energies Jeshua had asked us to connect with, for instance of the time just before going to the earth for the first time. I noticed I was very excited and hearing myself say: “Yes, I want this very much. We both are very grateful for this chance to join this wonderful profound channeling and are looking forward to the next channeling.”

❥ “Thank you Pamela, thank you Gerrit, thank you Jeshua. I feel very warmly touched by your wise and loving words and energies. It is so good to know that there are also other humans who are also in touch with the divine source within our hearts and the wisdom that comes from there. May the combined energies of feminine and masculin power and love heal our planet, nature and all beings now and everything that is ready for this in the whole universe. Love from heart.”

❥ “Hello Pamela and friends: I did get to hear your program and found it to be very enlightening, insightful, and helpful! This has given me much to think about. Many thanks for making this available.”

 “Thank you for your quick and sweet response. It reassures me. Again thanks a lot. It's great that you help with the organization in the background.”

❥ “Dear people, I am so grateful to have discovered your site, it feels like coming home, to a warm family I have known for years, it feels so good, you help me remember too, it is so loving and pure and powerful, I really feel for the first time, that things are going to change.💞” 

❥ “I want to thank Gerrit who each time provides wonderful meditations so that the words of Jeshua come in even deeper. I enjoy it every time and want to thank Pamela and the others for making all this, the channelings, possible. I am very grateful to you. Kind regards.” 

❥ “Just a thank you? No a very big thank you 🙂 for all the beauty you share with us through the Lightworkers network!!! So incredibly important to me at this time of my life... Getting to know myself better as a Lightworker, the clear messages are very helpfull! Especially from Pamela with Jeshua.” 

 “Hello Dear Friends, Thank you for these beautiful moments of connection and peace. I believe that at the same time they are also healing for us as individual souls.Again, Thank You for the invaluable work!”


 “It always brings me much joy and joy, and at the same time confirmation and confidence for the path we are walking here as lightworkers. Glad to be at your Home from Belgium too!”


 “With tears in my eyes and arms wide, I have at one point sat in the channeling of Jeshua. What a flow of recognition and reassurance. I already was, because Jeshua described it as I have behaved lately: away from the negativity and focusing on throwing up my vibration. The words of Jeshua come to me with humor and that is what I also need now. What a great channel, I have a hard time putting it into words. I know that I am not alone.”


 “Thank you, how beautiful and moving. It brought me deeply in touch with 'my Knowing' about this 'crisis' ... Even physically I experienced all kinds of tingling towards the end (especially in solar plexus).”


❥ “These were hopeful, inspiring channelings, with very good meditation beforehand by Gerrit. Spread the word. Who knows for the future, see you soon.”


 “In the beginning I felt some resistance and internal hassle, but gradually I felt the relaxation and the connection. It gave me such a pleasure. Thank you for organizing and supporting this. I have noted 2 images: the image of my light in head, heart and stomach. I am going to integrate that into my life in the evening and in the morning; it reminds me of who I am. And then the image of the walled city. It helps me to understand why I kept feeling different, lonely and what the value of living in the open field can be. 10 times rather alone there than in the city.”


 “Thank you, it was very nice.”


 “Dear Pamela and Gerrit, Thank you very much for this audio recording! It was a great memory for me! I wish you all the best and love.”


❥ “Wow, I thought it was a very beautiful and healing experience. Thanks.”


 “Dear All, Grateful for every moment, in connection and love, Recognition, confirmation and Present!" Bright greeting.”


 “Super... Thank you.”


❥ “I enjoy the channelings and after so many years I am still very happy with that!”


❥ “Thank you for carefully inquiring whether I had received the email.”


❥ “I forgot to leave my e-mail address, they helped me quickly so that I could still participate. Thanks.”


❥ “The meditation was an eye opener.”


 “Nice to participate and thank you for this opportunity.”


❥ “Thank you for your sweet, beautiful words and attention!”


 “Gosh, what love I feel (already) because of your nice response to my email ... thanks! In warm sunny connection...”


“It was such recognition ... what a nice channel(s)”


❥ “Beautiful text by Jeshua and Pamela is also so nice and quiet. How nice and moving that I am now joining you. Lots of love.”


❥ “Thank you and let it bring all the Light we need.”


❥ “It helped me so much to put me in a different mood, energy field or whatever you want to call it. I think it is the first night since the last 4 weeks that I felt in a kind of 'octave-change' for the first time and also 'happiness'. Of course I am influenced by all news reports from outside and have affected me. The TV interviews, the opinions, whether or not strict approach, number of deceased per country, etc. But it also became clear to me that we as a 'world' and I as a person had to do something with it. A relief to listen to Gerrit and of course especially Pamela. And hopeful. Especially the latter. Love and Light.”

❥ “I want to thank Gerrit who always provides beautiful meditations so that the words of Jeshua come in even deeper. I enjoy it every time and want to thank Pamela and the others for making all this, the channelings, possible. I am very grateful to you.”

❥ “After listening to the three recordings, I felt very calm, loving and happy. Apparently I needed this. I am now completely convinced of what I experience from "knowing," my knowing without outside interaction. I feel free. Thank you.”

 “Thank you! The channeling and the group connection was highly helpful and needed. Sending much gratitude! Peace and love.”

❥ “Dear lightworkers, thank you for your commitment, love, light, strength, energy and positivity.... as of today I embrace my mission!!!!!”


If you enjoy sharing your experience with us you are most welcome

All channelings can be ordered in our webshop