Posts tagged with "Fear"

How are you doing navigating the dark these days?
Dear ones: for many many many years I have been telling you to expect a battle, and it is not the kind of battle that the earth has really ever seen before, not like this one. What we are talking about is old consciousness versus an awakening consciousness. So, how is it about awakening into a dark energy that gives you - as usual - the old ways to look at?

The gatekeepers
You are truly in the process of a new birth. Just before the new emerges, there is always a difficult moment: the death struggle of the old. But do not let that deceive you. I want to point out to you now three pitfalls you may encounter in letting go of the old.

Vibrational co-dependency
As an energetically-sensitive empath, I spent the majority of my childhood confusing my personal feelings with the experiences of others. It was common for me to believe I wasn’t liked or “good enough”, since the emotional discord I sensed in others was interpreted as their opinion of me.