Posts tagged with "Gerrit Gielen"

Discovering the meaning of suffering
Jeshua will clarify how the soul is attracted to what it wants to learn. It attracts circumstances that put its blind spots center stage. The soul attracts darkness (crises, challenges) to enable itself to shine light on it. The basic engine behind this creation process is still Emotion but as you mature and move into higher levels of evolution, the basic engine becomes Consciousness.

How the astral world affects us
How the astral world influences us, and how we can detach ourselves from it and break the hold it has on us, is what this piece is about.

Healing and understanding the ancient battle between men and women
It does not correspond to the official historiography. Reality is more nuanced. However, by laying out this big picture, I am trying to shed light on the ancient struggle between men and women.

From hypersensitivity to high sensitivity
So what can you do to start shining again, to transform your hypersensitivity into high sensitivity?

What we should teach our children about our Inner World
We can not neglect our inner world unpunished. The price we pay we see around us. Hence this short guide. Here are three lessons about your inner world which you already should have learned as a child at school.

Being loved —A  Step-by-Step Plan
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be loved and feel loved? To sense that wherever you go, wherever you are, love meant especially for you is flowing through you? What power, what creativity, what joy in life that would give. So that's not how it works for most of us. What is wrong?

The soul's journey towards conscious creation
A new, monthly 6-part series beginning Sunday, May 19, 2024. Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua with an introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen.

Saying goodbye: a path from mourning to love
In this article, I would like to talk about the survivors. How do we deal with the death of a loved one, with the sorrow, the empty hole left in our hearts that follows the death of a loved one? How can we heal the terrible hole that is caused by the death of a loved one?

Wholeness: One and Many
This is a world of fear. Most of the ideas of this world are based on fear. And because we grow up with fears and among fears, we consider them to be self-evident and therefore we build our very lives upon them...

The energy of the new Earth
“What makes this time (1950 – 2070 approximately) special is that there are two different cycles of consciousness coming to an end: a personal cycle (or a set of personal cycles) and a planetary cycle. The completion of these cycles coincides, so that one reinforces the other.” - From “The Jeshua Channelings

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