Posts tagged with "Kryon"

Is metaphysics really changing?
Is metaphysics really changing? The greetings that I have given for years says that I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Even that Dear Ones, may be changing. Here is a premise, an idea that I wish to give you in the four lessons or channels that are the messages of this month, this being number one.

Is Armageddon coming?
Is Armageddon coming? Did the word startle you? Are you interested? The answer I will give you that we will now discuss is no because you’re in it now. It has already arrived. And what I’ve told you – it’s the beginning of everything.

The Wind of Birth
Have you ever heard me give you a message and in that message were the words “The Wind of Birth?” If you could understand the processes that went into that Wind of Birth, suddenly you might change your mind about who you are, or why you’re on the planet, or who it is that planned the incarnation you’re in, or indeed how it happened at all.

Is it possible that human beings really have guides?
Oh, this is such a big question. First of all, it is almost unanswerable. And the reason it is unanswerable is because you are in one dimension asking about another. And in that other dimension, that question can’t really be asked. It would be like saying: Is there some water around the ocean? And if so, how many waters are there? Let’s begin at the beginning.

Is it possible to have your soul stuck?
For some of you, it’s an odd concept. For many of you, it’s the one you learned. I want you to relax for a moment where I tell you another story perhaps. I mean a story about a magnificent soul. Not a soul that is inclined to have a three-dimensional attributes in a paradigm; a soul that is not punished or rewarded; a soul that doesn’t get stuck in some place between heaven and hell.

I’m tired of earth. Do I really have to come back?
I’m tired of earth. Do I really have to come back? This is a question that old souls ask. And the more you’ve been on this planet, the more lives you’ve had on the planet, the more you would ask this question. I’m going to answer that as fully as I can and perhaps in a way that you didn’t expect.

Where did humans come from?
Where did humans come from? Now remember, all of these channels go onto that which is a public venue, not just the members, and so it’s a chance for all of you to gather around and have a good laugh you might say because here is the channeler who is about to tell you you came from ETs or some other kind of strangeness. And it is strange, is it not? Some of you know what I am going to tell you.

Are other dimensions really real?
Are you convinced that there are other dimensions that you cannot see or participate with or…what is it about? I am here to tell you that there are an infinite number of dimensions, an infinite number.

Why is the core of this planet acting so strangely?
Why is the core of this planet acting so strangely? Have you ever studied what creates a large magnetic field? For most, it's a mystery unless you've studied Kryon's work. And here's the excitement: The magnetics of your planet is going to shift greatly. It's the end of an old world.

Cosmic Connections - 4
Is joy and laughter from God? Years and years ago I told you that there are certain things that come in with the human being which are divine. Many of you have been taught out of joy, literally programmed out of it.

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