In this New Year’s message mother Earth will speak about the journey of lightworker souls and invite you to connect with the highest part of you. The highest part is the angel inside you, who never forgot about the Oneness and sacredness of all life.
I ask of you that you become an angel on Earth and I know you can be that. Every living being on Earth is working to complete its own dance, one that is perfectly suited to their unique nature, and you have your own particular dance. For you, there is always the next step that suits your life and is in line with who you are now. Feel that for a moment. Are you willing to take this step even if you do not know what it is that is asked of you?
In this time of change and profound transformation, I want to be with you. I am with you, because within the heart there are no boundaries, and time and space are not an obstacle. The heart is a place of miracles and timelessness. Your heart is as a bridge between the dimension of the timeless and that of the time-bound, the physical. Your soul wants to enter this earthly reality across the bridge of your heart.“
Dear men and women, I am the voice of Earth. I greet you all. You, those to whom I speak, have an open heart and want to alleviate suffering in the world. But at the same time, you are also a human being who is incarnated here and has been submerged in this earthly reality. You have become lost and derailed here, and the linking power that you carry within you can have a very painful side.
Dear people, I am the voice of Earth. I greet you with all my warmth and love. In the joining I make with you through your body, I give something to you. Feel me flow through you; I am in every cell of your body. I want to be there for you and to join with you, which is why I reach out to you.
Where, in a more traditional child, there is a greater distancing from its own soul, its own uniqueness, in children of the new era this is no longer possible.
Dear ones, this mystery could go as follows: Is it possible that there is a connection to the Earth within you? A connection so profound that the Earth knows your name?
Dear friends, I am Jeshua, representative of the Christ energy that is now being born on Earth through you: individuals who find their way on Earth by opening their hearts to their true destiny.
Humanity is now actually being torn apart. Groups of souls want very much to move forward, while others remain stuck in pain and struggle. And you who are here, and who are sensitive on the inner level, can feel that anguish of being torn inside.
In many people, that space is filled from being very occupied with the mind. In that way, you do not really inhabit your body until the body knocks on your door through a pain, an ailment, or an illness.