Posts tagged with "Pamela Kribbe"

The highest you can give
Humanity doesn’t need saints and guru’s who teach from a pulpit or pedestal, but real flesh and blood people who have experienced darkness and light by themselves and are able to embrace both without judgment.

Discovering the meaning of suffering
Jeshua will clarify how the soul is attracted to what it wants to learn. It attracts circumstances that put its blind spots center stage. The soul attracts darkness (crises, challenges) to enable itself to shine light on it. The basic engine behind this creation process is still Emotion but as you mature and move into higher levels of evolution, the basic engine becomes Consciousness.

The seeds of Christ Consciousness
Often people try to escape their inner darkness. Don’t see your inner darkness or pain as your enemy. See it like a child or children who have become lost and frightened. Turn towards them and face them. Hold your torch of light. If you do this you will instantly feel an increase in your own power, your force.

A time for celebration
I would like to tell you that this is a time for celebration. I know that many of you still have doubts and fears about choices you have to make in your life. But Christ consciousness is awakening in all your hearts like a flame. It is still very tender, but it is there; it is awakening.

Qualities of Children of the New Era
Where, in a more traditional child, there is a greater distancing from its own soul, its own uniqueness, in children of the new era this is no longer possible.

The Forbidden Male Speaks
With joy we announce the publication of a new book: The Forbidden Male Speaks by Pamela Kribbe. This book contains channelings from Jeshua about masculinity: it distinguishes between ego based and heart based masculine energy, and points out how to move from one to the other, in both men and women.

Your Soul's plan
You have entered into the dance with life on Earth. That is something that evokes our greatest reverence and respect. We kneel down before you – it is so – and we do not want anything better than that you say “amen” to your own greatness and then the answers will come.

The soul's journey towards conscious creation 2
The young soul’s journey: entering duality and the cycle of incarnation. Jeshua will explain the emotional roller coaster of unconscious creation, and discuss karmic relations and the cycle of offender & victim lives.

The Larger Field
I am part of that larger web of energies, of connected souls, in which you are included. You are not alone. It is important to feel this link, because in your soul is the desire to incorporate some of the wisdom that is present in that other, larger field and to manifest it on Earth; to channel it, so to speak, so that broader groups of people can share in it.

Two Steps to Connect with the Soul
To hear that song again and to start living it, the first thing that is needed is for you to begin to stand up and say “no” to what does not suit you. Adapting, living an “ordinary life” is not right for you. It is important that you accept that, because living an “ordinary life” would go against the purpose of your mission, of your soul.

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