Posts tagged with "Reincarnation"

Do your pets reincarnate?
This is a subject that I have taught many times, but perhaps never in this way on this program and I am going to now. I want to assure you of something you may not have been aware of, how it works, and the way Spirit sees it. I am talking to somebody right now who needs to hear this, right now who needs to hear this. Get up and find that animal again.

The Wind of Birth
Have you ever heard me give you a message and in that message were the words “The Wind of Birth?” If you could understand the processes that went into that Wind of Birth, suddenly you might change your mind about who you are, or why you’re on the planet, or who it is that planned the incarnation you’re in, or indeed how it happened at all.

I’m tired of earth. Do I really have to come back?
I’m tired of earth. Do I really have to come back? This is a question that old souls ask. And the more you’ve been on this planet, the more lives you’ve had on the planet, the more you would ask this question. I’m going to answer that as fully as I can and perhaps in a way that you didn’t expect.

Mystery Series – Part I
The prophecy, you might say, is this: That old souls and lightworkers who are going through the shift are graduate Akashic workers.