Monthly messages for lightworkers

Every third Sunday of the month by Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen


Coming soon


The lightworker's identity” would be the first channeling in the ‘Monthly messages for lightworkers’ by Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen.

Jeshua will speak about who lightworker souls are, their cosmic origin and their purpose on earth. He will tune into the present day situation, the challenges humanity is facing, and explain what role lightworkers can play in it. Also, he will address some major pitfalls that lightworkers – due to their psychological make up- often run into and point out how to avoid these.


The lightworker's identity


21 March, 2021 08:00 PM CET+1 (Amsterdam)


 Introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen


 Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

❥ € 11,-


Monthly messages for lightworkers


Every third Sunday of the month by Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen

In this time an intense transformation is taking place from ego to heart. We are letting go of fear based thinking and feeling and are moving towards a consciousness of love and abundance. During this transition there is a lot of confusion, insecurity and sometimes despair.

The most important anchor is that you will recognize the voice of your own soul and feel that you are included in a field of kindred spirits. The monthly messages want to support this. They provide information on current issues in the lives of lightworkers today.

Each month the channeled messages are aligned with the energy of the present moment, but will regularly address central lightworker themes such as:

 Emotional healing of old pain

 Loneliness and being different

 High sensitivity

 Soul encounters

 Destructive versus healing relationships

 Finding the work of your heart

 Fear of self-expression

 Coming into your power and discovering your soul’s path

Each time the message channeled by Pamela is complemented by a meditation by Gerrit, which connects to the information at that moment.

Besides conveying current information, the monthly messages also aim to connect you with like-minded people who are walking a similar path as you.

The messages are released every third Sunday of the month by Lightraisers Worldwide and listened to together, creating a field of recognition and loving connection.