Posts tagged with "Christ Consciousness"

Pitfalls on the way to becoming a healer
What is the essence of healing? What happens when someone “gets well,” whether it is on the psychological, emotional or physical level? What happens is that this person is able to connect again to his or her own inner light, to his or her own greater Self. This connection has a healing effect upon all layers of the self – the emotional, physical and mental levels.

The Christmas Promise
At the heart of Christmas is the promise of a new dawn, an awakening. In the midst of darkness, a new light is born. The light of Christ is about change from within, about recognizing your divine origin, about going beyond the boundaries of your personality as conditioned by the past.

Arcturian message
The narrative everyone is familiar with is so much more than the story of one man born 2000 years ago because it is every man and woman’s story. It is important to understand that the word Christ is not a name but is a title meaning “anointed one”. Many believe that the word Christ refers only to Jesus who was of such an evolved state of consciousness that he was indeed an anointed one but Christ-hood never has or ever can be limited to just one person.

In this time things are different
Planting the seeds of the Christ Energy was a combined effort, not confined to one single human being. It was the birth of something new and it was borne by many. Jeshua was the most visible personification of it, but there were many around him who helped him bear it.

The seeds of Christ Consciousness
Often people try to escape their inner darkness. Don’t see your inner darkness or pain as your enemy. See it like a child or children who have become lost and frightened. Turn towards them and face them. Hold your torch of light. If you do this you will instantly feel an increase in your own power, your force.

A time for celebration
I would like to tell you that this is a time for celebration. I know that many of you still have doubts and fears about choices you have to make in your life. But Christ consciousness is awakening in all your hearts like a flame. It is still very tender, but it is there; it is awakening.

Your Soul's plan
You have entered into the dance with life on Earth. That is something that evokes our greatest reverence and respect. We kneel down before you – it is so – and we do not want anything better than that you say “amen” to your own greatness and then the answers will come.

Thinking from love
Periods of darkness are part of life, and the flow of life leads us back to the light by itself. But to be able to go along with that flow, we do have to be willing to face the darkness in ourselves, honestly and lovingly. This is the power of thinking from love.

The way of the lightworker
You are not healing anyone as a lightworker. To understand what light work or spiritual healing is truly about, you need to let go of the traditional image of “therapist helping client” or “doctor curing patient”. You need to let go of the very idea that helping is about giving something to someone else. The very notion that the other person is lacking something is detrimental to their healing process. The truth is that the only way to help someone is to make them aware of their own power...