Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
I said sound. I didn’t ask you about music. We have discussed that before. I am here to discuss raw sound that is frequency that your body then recognizes as sound. And it starts to open a big bag of discussion, but first let’s talk about the obvious: what a human hears, what human senses with sound.
Music as you know is something directly related to that which is from the other side of the veil, and we have talked about this before: the sonorities, the beauty, those things which soothe you when you hear them or make you excited when you hear them. All together they’re part of a musical experience. I’m talking about sound.

There are the ancients who actually began by looking at certain sounds that they would hum or sing that actually to them changed something about how they felt. Later on, technology got better.
You could generate sounds so they were actually tones of certain frequencies, not music. And there was the discovery from those shamanics that certain tones when presented to the body did certain
things. Others came along and validated that, not scientifically, but esoterically until you had a whole series of sounds. Sometimes as many as eight or nine, or even twelve that when presented
alone and purely on their own actually did healing in the body or affected consciousness a certain way where you could hear the tone and you felt certain things and it was common to almost all
So suddenly the idea is does sound itself and certain pure frequencies affect the divinity inside? Well, here is the answer: Yes, very much so. But I want to continue the answer into something
you might not expect. When you hear these frequencies, you call them sound. You identify them as how many perhaps waves per second or what you call hertz. And those waves per second you identify
as a number and those numbers then equate to certain sounds that make a difference for you. They even have names.
You say there are this many or that many, but let’s turn the page for a moment. All of that for you, everything that you describe is only what you hear. Do you realize what I am saying? What if there were a whole frequency set of sounds that you cannot hear that might even go further than the ones that you identify as sound that you can hear? And the answer is yes on that one too. It even goes higher than that.
Let’s redefine sound for you. It’s not sound. It’s the effect of frequency. And it’s not then just frequency in the air that reacts to that which you can hear. It’s frequency in anything perhaps that vibrates at a certain level and has an effect on you. I told you something many times in the past that when you’re on the other side of the veil, we sing your name in light. So let’s just stop for a moment and ask the big question.
What is the frequency of light? It’s a very high one of course, the wave length, very small. What is the frequency of atomic structure as it vibrates into even a monatomic form? Very, very, very high; a trillion times a trillion you might say, and I’m here to tell you that your soul can hear that. That you can hear light, hear it because that which you hear on the planet is only restricted to that which a human can have.
A soul can hear anything that has frequency. So what if you could construct an orchestra from the colors of the universe or that which is the light that you see even around you? What if it could
have sonorities and chords and beauty that sung to you like you can hear that which sings to you in the human range as well. And if you’re following that which I’m telling you, sound has an
effect on all structure, even that which is your soul.
So Dear Ones, you get into this another question. Let me give this to you. As the human being starts to elevate in its frequency and become lighter on the way to an ascension status, in other words when a human being starts to develop high consciousness, do higher sounds mean anything to you? Do they affect you differently? And the answer is yes. Is it possible for sounds beyond human hearing right now as you sit there, would they have an effect on you even if you could not hear them? And the answer is yes.
There is so much here about the attributes of sound itself, not just music, but sound itself on the effect of everything that you have both physically, multidimensionally, in your organs, in your brain, in your consciousness, all of those specify together who you are. And so when you start to analyze what the sounds themselves can do for you and within you, it’s almost like magic.
Prepare for some healing centers that present sounds you cannot hear. Derivatives of the ones perhaps that you can hear; overtones that are so high that they go into what you would call the stratosphere of frequencies that even have instruments that can’t generate them well. That will affect you as well. It talks to the pineal, Dear Ones. It reminds you of the frequencies of light that you can hear when you’re not here.
This is all part of the ascended human being. And why do I give this to you now? What could be the possible reason why after 35 years of channeling I am starting to talk perhaps in a different way to you? And here is why: As the veil thins - listen, listen - as the veil thins, the sounds of the universe will become clearer to you and some of them will sing your name in light. And all of those sounds together will create tonalities and sonorities that are the music of heaven to you, the music of your soul to you, and some of you are starting to hear them now.
This is not your grandfather’s world. This is not your grandfather’s world or even if he was a shaman, or your grandmother, if she was a shaman, it’s not her world either. It is beyond even that. What is taking place here within your body will be reflected later in the consciousness of humanity. Right now, you are in a dark and light battle, Dear Ones.
How would you like to have peace over the things that you’re worried about? Why don’t you open that which is the portal to the music of the universe as it starts to come into you and present itself? And you might say, “Oh, I want that. How do I do it?” And I will tell you yet again something that you don’t expect. You’re born with it. All you have to do is turn it on. “Dear Spirit,” you might say, “allow me to hear it in my own way, and maybe it is the love that I feel, the peace that I feel. Give me the sound of peace and let it permeate me so that I may rest assured of my magnificence in this truly a new world.”
I am Kryon in love with all of you, telling you history is not going to repeat itself. There are new things for you to learn and battles for you to win in tolerance, enlightenment and mastery, but that’s why you’re here.
And so it is.
© Lee Carroll