Lee Carroll channels Kryon
Wednesdays with Kryon | | January 2025
Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
How many people are telling you how horrible things are? How many are telling you that the future is going to be worse than ever? “I mean, look around you. Look what’s happening on the planet,” they may say. They may say that there’s no hope at all. It’s very, very common. Of course, it always has been and in a darker energy of this planet, there was a lot of it that was absolutely so. Dysfunction, it begets dysfunction. One thing leads to another, and it evolves into itself and it gets worse. This is the entropy effect. This is whatever it is and the system is going to go wrong eventually.

What about this planet? What about right now?
Dear Ones, I am going to give you information today that many of you have heard before. We want to talk about the future, of course. This is New Year’s Day as this program is being presented in this particular place on the planet in this hemisphere and it’s common to have New Year’s resolutions. It’s common to look at the future. What does it mean? Where is it going? What’s going to happen?
There are so many who turn to those in the channeling world and say, “Tell us what’s going to happen.” I have another channeling coming where I’m going to ask you if you can change the future, or if the future is even known, or what to do with it, so I’m going to hold on that one until next week. But for now, I would like to give you an example that I have given many times, and that is the fact that this particular energy of this particular moment of time is different from any other this planet has ever, ever seen. And that is because of many things, but the predictions of this were always there.
The indigenous predicted it thousands of years ago that right now would be a time of choice. This is from the indigenous. They saw it from the stars, Dear Ones. The stars are, you say, a very common subject to look at, to see and what the energies are, but they looked at it from a bigger picture. They saw the precession of the equinox. They saw the end and the beginning of a cycle. And so many of the indigenous had a cosmology that worked in cycles that all seemed to culminate to right now.
What is your prophecy? What is your spiritual prophecy? What did your church tell you would happen in the year 2000s and beyond? They said perhaps it would be Armageddon. Perhaps it would be something else, but it wasn’t very pretty was it? These have always been changes that would occur about now. Dear Ones, you are in the now of the change, and so we ask the question again. What’s going to happen in your future?
Is there reason to look at it differently than you did before? And here comes that which I told you before to look at. Your history has stayed in a loop because the consciousness of the planet
never got higher. Your history has stayed in a loop and many of you have represented this by the term “history repeats itself.” And you’d be right, and it does over and over. War
has (gives) you more war, and it never seems to cease. You may have spaces between the wars, but it always seems to return to that. And this has been even your world, your grandfather’s
world, and his grandfather’s world. Your mothers and their grandmothers all participated in their way, but it was a repeat seemingly of the same old dysfunctional energy that never got any
You sing about peace on earth because that’s what you want. You never got it. No matter how many times or how many generations sing the songs, “Let there be peace on earth,” and there never was.
I want you to get ready for something. This is a new energy that’s never been here before carrying attributes that are not just hopeful but actionable. There are things happening, not only that
which is within you; there are things external to you. We’re going to talk about them this month that actually play into the future you are now starting today. Actually you started it before
today, but it’s a good time to talk about it on New Year’s Day.
I told you to think of a train track that went in a circle. I’ve used this for years as a representation of an old energy that never changes. And you want it to, but you can’t help it because it never changes. I mean, the track is a circle so you’re always going to go around, around, around and suddenly in this energy as prophesied, that circle breaks and there is a new siding. A track which you have decided to take as humanity, and that track is all by itself going forward, not in the circle but somewhere else. You can’t see where it’s going, but it’s somewhere else. And that’s the one that you have just started to take.
You’ve actually been on that track now for perhaps 15 and 20 years. Things go very slowly and you’re starting to see and feel the changes. Some of you have seen them in your society. What’s permissible? What’s not? What’s acceptable? What’s not? A manner of things that are changing right now: integrity, transparency. You’re seeing it and yet you’re reported in the news it isn’t there. The only things you get on the news is the bad things that are happening on the planet. You realize that don’t you? So it’s hard to get a feel of where this planet really is until you turn off the media, go inside and say, “What is truly happening here? What is happening?”
I will tell you, there are a whole lot of angels showing up. There is a lot of light on this planet starting to imbue itself into so many souls in so many ways. There are so many who are looking
at revolution in so many different ways. Right or wrong, they want change. Now humans have always wanted change in hard times, but the changes usually gave them harder times. And I’m not talking
about politics.
I am talking about the light and dark balance quotient of this planet. It has moved toward the light significantly and the snowball is starting to roll and you cannot stop it. That snowball we featured before so many times on this particular program is not fortune telling. You’re not a fortune teller when you say what’s in the snowball that might get hit. You’re simply stating the obvious when the snowball is rolling, and it is. Let’s call it what it is - the snowball of hope and the snowball of light.
We gave you a prophecy last year that these 24, let’s call them the mastery chromosome set, that is your 24th pair of chromosomes which actually biology never saw or thought you had, but you do have, It’s a multidimensional pair that is starting to come and activate itself for so many reasons. It’s working with the planet. It’s working with that which is your soul. It’s working with others. It’s starting to open up. What is in it? It’s mastery instructions for the old souls coming into this planet. That’s one of the big things that’s starting to happen for those who are starting to reincarnate differently. We’ve told you that.
You’re watching a spiritual channel. If you don’t understand what I am saying or you don’t agree with it, you’re in the wrong place. I am telling you there is hope for this planet in esoteric ways that have to perhaps be explained and we have many times. There is more than hope here. There are changes already going on within many, many lives that never were on the old circle track that only could have occurred on the new track that you’re on. There’s light at the end of this that you think is a dark tunnel.
And there are those on this planet who want to keep it dark, and you know what I’m talking about, that want you to stay in fear, that want you to go back to the old ways, and they would love to have another war. Dear Ones, these are the ones who will not win this battle, but they want to. They say, “Let’s not change anything. We had a good control over it when they were in the dark and they couldn’t see what else was there.”
And what else is there is majesty. It’s bright. It’s beautiful. This is the potential future of this planet and we have been here since 1989 to tell you that exact thing. That is why we came, and that is why we’re here and we’ll continue and we’ll continue. Dear Ones, I am in love with humanity for this reason. You are on track! You really are!
And so it is.