Your Soul's plan


Pamela Kribbe channels Mary


Dear friends, beautiful brothers and sisters,

I greet you all. I am Mary, and I represent the female aspect of the Christ energy. I have stood in the light of that energy, but I have also experienced the dark side of being human on Earth. I come here with the deepest possible respect for you all, because the step you have taken from a heavenly atmosphere of love and goodness into this earthly sphere, where so much fear and negativity is active, is infinitely courageous.



I want you to be able to see and to experience your own courage, to see it through my eyes. I see your light, your soul’s light. I now connect with your heart, with who you are. Feel me, we are equals.


Remember the simplicity, comfort, and joy in living from what is pleasing to you. When you were on this side, from where I now speak, you did feel lighter and freer.

You were not bound to the human body, the restrictions that it imposes, and the collective thoughts and feelings that live in human society. You could say you were more yourself. Sense what that feels like.


Imagine you are in a beautiful garden rich with various plants and flowers. See those as the symbol of the heavenly atmosphere from which you have come. Feel the vibration of life there: the openness, the refinement, the respect for the life of one another. Feel the harmony in this great garden and how deeply connected you are to it. Be there and recognize this garden, and not only the plants and animals you see around you, but also the feeling, the atmosphere. Be there for a moment and sense how your body feels. You have a body, but it might look different. Feel how lightweight it is, how easily you move, and how easily you connect with the life around you. You feel the consciousness of the flowers, the trees, and the sky. You feel the peace of this place, and allow that peace to penetrate into you. Be completely here in this garden. Your feet make contact with the soil, and that contact grounds the energy of lightness and peace into the here and now. Hold on to the bridge with this other world when we now return to the earthly reality.


In the depths of your soul you are a bridge. You are here on Earth to embody the power, the warmth, the peace, and the love of that heavenly garden. You are an angel of light on this Earth. Those are big words, but I truly mean them – if only you believed that. Often you are in despair; you doubt your power and the light that lives within you. Your soul’s power is immense, but you tend to focus on what goes wrong, what is not doing well. You set high standards for yourself, but in doing that you make yourself unnecessarily small. Make yourself big; remember your vast radiant essence.

When you go to the Earth and incarnate, you descend, so to say, down a ladder, and as you progress on your way down, you lose something of the memory of who you really are. At the moment you begin that descent, you are surrounded by the light and peace of Heaven and by the loving guides that support you – feel that.


But you do not just start a new life on Earth; there is a period that precedes that. You first let go of the old life you have just lived, and you come Home to an atmosphere and setting that suits you. There, you slowly let go of the life you have lived on Earth and the emotions you experienced in that life. This is a period of rest and coming Home.


When you have had terrible, heavy experiences in a previous life, it takes some time for you to recover and to remember who you are. There is literally a need for recovery time and there is help available to you on the other side to assist you in doing that. When you gradually come back to yourself, and the deepest wounds are healed, you are then able to look back to your earthly life and see it all in a broader perspective.


The biggest relief you experience on the other side, the side from which I speak, is the profound gentleness with which you will be surrounded and encouraged to look at yourself, like a parent to its child. You then look with understanding and warmth at the things you have regarded as errors during your lifetime. You feel the depth of your pain, your fear, your suffering, and you put your angel wings around yourself. That gentleness helps you to release and heal the deepest traumas. Yet that is not the end of the story, because you eventually feel – although it can take decades or even centuries before it happens – that you want to go back. The Earth is calling you.


There is a desire that grows in you to try incarnation again, in those circumstances and with their inherent limitations, but also with the possibilities. There are issues you cannot live through or transform in the hereafter. That process is only possible on Earth, where you have a body, where you are human and have emotions. It is exactly all those circumstances and challenges that you know from being here that will make intense growth possible on the level of consciousness.


I wish you could realize how far you have already come. All of you who sit here have begun this life with a backpack full of ancient wisdom and experiences. You are here to heal old wounds, but you are also here to bring in the light of Heaven and to spread it among people, like a seed, so that the vibration of the Earth’s atmosphere increases and becomes more peaceful and gentle, such as it is in that heavenly garden. So you have a double mission to complete here, and I use the word “mission” in a relaxed sense, and not as a holy “should”, or duty, or responsibility that is required of you, but as a gentle longing in your soul, a love in your heart to return to Earth, because you love the Earth. 


You see the beauty of Earth reflected in the gardens of Heaven. Nature on Earth moves you, because you are a part of the Earth. You want to help and assist her, and you want to heal yourself and to experience for yourself what it is like to be on Earth as a whole human being. Doing that brings a deep fulfillment to your soul. To be male or female here on Earth, to be a child and to grow up, to enter into friendships with other people and sometimes into conflict, to be imbued by your soul as a whole human being so you can fully channel your soul to Earth, that is your highest purpose. That cannot be accomplished on the other side; it is here where your objective lies, and I ask you to remember that.


See yourself symbolically placed on a ladder or stairway before you actually incarnate. Feel the energies of the heavenly atmosphere, your own wisdom, and the support and encouragement of loving guides around you. They watch you; they have respect and reverence for your choice, and so encourage you as well.


Go ahead, step on to the ladder, your descent is about to begin. You take one step and one more and you feel you have to let go of the hands of your guides as they cannot reach any farther. While doing this, feel the light of your soul burn in your heart. See the image of a torch or a candle, and concentrate on that light and on the happy memories, and the atmosphere of harmony and peace that is your Home, and descend even farther. If you feel oppressed by the heaviness of the earthly atmosphere that comes toward you, or if you feel you are in doubt or anxious, concentrate once again on that torch of light – hold up that torch. Take that symbolic torch from your heart in your right hand and illuminate your path to Earth.


What I ask you to do here is not to only remember what it was like to descend into the earthly realm, but from this present moment where we are peacefully gathered together, to also go back and bring light to where you had a difficult time incarnating, where you had doubts about your ability to be really present here on Earth with the fullness of your light and consciousness.


Give yourself confidence, surround yourself with gentleness, and make yourself welcome on Earth. Maybe you can see how your awareness slid slowly into that little body still resting in your mother’s womb. Surround that embryo you then were with a gentle light in colors which it needs. You can imagine you sing to that child, and because you are an angel of light, you will find the words and the sounds to reassure this child. This is how you create a channel from Heaven to Earth for yourself.


Feel the vulnerability of the child you were, its body still so fragile and frail. And yet, there is a great courage and strength already gathered in that child. Praise the child; praise it and the power, the confidence, the light that lives in this baby. Imagine you accompany this child as an Angel of light and guide it on its journey on Earth. Now you are your higher self and your most important task is to love and to reassure the child, to tell it that whatever it is doing is beautiful and courageous, and that its Home is in the heavenly atmosphere of infinite gentleness and beauty. Be on the side of this child and see it grow.


View yourself from the eyes of your higher self. See how hard it was on occasion for the child to be on Earth, the lack of understanding it experienced, and not even for anything in particular, but generally. The density and the unrelenting nature of the energies on Earth are a blow to the soul. The hypersensitivity, which virtually each of you has developed in the course of your lives and the many trips your soul has made throughout the universe, causes the child to see and perceive much to which it cannot initially relate. Have compassion for the child who experienced all this without being able to understand it as yet.


See how infinitely powerful you must have been to have ventured this jump into the deep, and the fact you are here from a desire to now connect with who you really are, with your soul, your higher self, and to live that connection while in a human body. You have not forgotten your purpose, the memory lies dormant deep within you, although you have been taught to make yourself small, to doubt yourself, to look especially at things that are not going as well as expected. But I tell you, turn that perspective around and see yourself from the greatness that you are. Make yourself grand and vast, spread your angel wings and look upon yourself with appreciation.


When a new life begins on Earth, when a new personality is born, the soul looks at that event as to the birth of a child. So, even as an adult, you are still a child in the eyes of your soul, a child who goes bravely on its adventurous way. As a soul, you love this child, you want to support it, and as a soul, you see beyond the child and beyond that dark cloud in which the child is enshrouded.


I invite you to connect with the perspective of your soul. See how your soul is trying to help you by shining a light on that dark cloud in your life. Take something that feels emotionally heavy, a recurring problem, or maybe something new with which you are struggling. I ask you not so much to look for an answer or for a solution, but to feel for that energy you send to yourself from your soul. Be the soul,be that Angel of light you just were. Let your light shine on that dark cloud and see what feeling it calls up. What does the soul feel like to that human being down there below who does not see beyond that cloud? What does that soul feel for you? Allow that feeling to penetrate into you.


Your soul would like you to know that she appreciates you, that she is deeply connected with you, and that whatever you do she stands beside you and embraces and loves you. That is what your soul wants to say to you, first and foremost.  When you are open to that perspective, you begin to experience yourself differently. You are doing nothing wrong or making mistakes, you are just trying to live your life and your soul offers you that freedom.


It is not a question of hearing from your soul: “Should I do this or that, should I choose A or B, did I do it well or am I doing it wrong?” That is not what the soul wants to tell you. The soul wants you to be deeply aware of your true beauty, and the power and the wisdom in your life. The soul wants to give to you a great sense of relief and joy. It is good to be who you are; you are gorgeous, you are growing and learning, and in doing that there is something courageous.


You have entered into the dance with life on Earth. That is something that evokes our greatest reverence and respect. We kneel down before you – it is so – and we do not want anything better than that you say “amen” to your own greatness and then the answers will come.


But first you need to feel that greatness, your strength and wisdom within, and you need do nothing more, because you are already “there”. The solidity you experience from doing that causes you to better receive the answers about what you want in your life, or what is lacking in it, or what you are missing, and from your greatness, you will find the answers. You do not have to reach outside yourself, or seek for a higher self that exists far away in Heaven, or guides that are also somewhere “out there”. It is all here; you are here with all your wisdom and strength.


Also, your guides and soul are here, close to you. We will not abandon you, but it is your path on Earth and it is for you to turn the key. That is something we cannot do for you. That is the way to remembering the self: to realize who you are in an atmosphere that does not reflect that self as directly as in those beautiful, abundant gardens, which did reflect your beauty and soul force. Here, you must experience the garden within yourself.


There is only joy in Creation, and when you turn the key and open the door and say “yes” to yourself, life on Earth becomes rich with possibilities and opportunities. That is your goal, that is your own soul’s plan: to be your soul here, to remember her and to live her. You can begin by seeking out your darkest emotion, and treating it as a brave child who needs your support and encouragement. And so to become aware of your wings and to embrace this child, and then to take it to that Heavenly atmosphere of Home where everything is well and harmonious.


Finally, I ask you all to bring that picture of that garden alive in you one more time, here in this place on Earth. Bring the feel of Heaven to Earth, and feel the joy and the comfort of being there. Your mind and your body feel lighter and freer; you have no worries. We call up that atmosphere here together and so we now bring this light to Earth and illuminate the realm of the Earth with this light. I thank you all for the channel you are and the light you bring. I have the deepest respect for who you are. Thank you.


© Pamela Kribbe